January 9, 2014
Attendees: 14 + 23 + 11 = 48
Announcements & Upcoming Conferences
Renaissance 2014: January 29-31 in San Francisco. http://renaissance.io/
360|intersect - April 28 - 29 in Seattle, Washington. http://www.360intersect.com/
NSNorth (http://nsnorth.ca/) Ottawa - May 8-10
CocoaConf (http://cocoaconf.com/) has announced its 2014 Spring tour:
March 7-8 in Chicago
March 28-29 in the Washington, DC, area
April 4-5 in Austin, TX
April 25-26 in San Jose, CA
May 9-10 in Raleigh, NC
Other Local Meetups
NSCoder Boston is relaunching - http://www.meetup.com/NSCoder-Night-Boston/events/159044452/ (thanks to Gordon and Tony)
Drinks on Tap (http://drinksontap.org/) - has a meeting on January 13 at Ned Devine’s, Faneuil Hall, Boston.
NSHappyHour (http://www.nshappyhour.org/) - the first Wednesday of the month, but none in January because it falls on New Years Day.
Agenda Items
Sam Marshall is back in town to give a demo he describes as "a PoC that is halfway between KVO and RAC using the Objective-C runtime.”
Tony DiPasquale will be giving a demo on Multipeer Connectivity, including multipeer streaming audio.
Daniel Jalkut will be giving an extended talk and Q&A on AutoLayout, based on stuff he’s learned incorporating it into MarsEdit. As Daniel said a few weeks back, "YOU should bring your layout issues, based in Mac or iOS apps, and I’ll lead the room in a collaborative debugging session to try to figure out what’s going wrong with your layout.”
“Auto Layout Hits & Misses”
Auto Layout: Thinking with Constraints (Kyle Sluder, January 10 (Vimeo video)
Cassowary Constraint Solving Toolkit - Academic Research inspiration for AutoLayout
F-Script Anywhere - debugging tool
NSConstraintBasedLayoutVisualizeMutuallyExclusiveConstraints to YES - another debugging trick - shows conflicts visually
iOS only: po [[UIWindow keyWindow] _autolayoutTrace]
PTLViewDebugger - iOS implementation of some Mac-only cool debugging tricks