July 9, 2015
Sam Marshall - automating debugDescription
David Barsky - https://twitter.com/thramp - describe his solution to "query an API that can have annoying complex parameters in a easy to use, type-safe, reproducible fashion”
Type-safe API Query Predicates in Swift
Bill Palin - http://cambridgelaw.org : Brief legal talk on contracting vs. employment
(Copy of presentation coming)
Mike Morton - Onshape - https://www.onshape.com
Cover Story (code coverage) https://code.google.com/p/coverstory/
Tweaks: https://github.com/facebook/tweaks
(Ask for copy of presentation)
Zev Eisenberg - attributed string library
Jet-brains giveaway
Attendance: 8 + 15 + 15 = 38