November 13, 2014
Edward Loveall demonstrated InShop, his company's framework for embedding a store into an iOS app.
Brian King demonstrated FRY, a framework for writing user interface tests.
Laura Savino gave a talk on the app localization.
CocoaConf Boston this Friday and Saturday
Raizlabs is hosting lightning talks on Tuesday, November 18 at 10 Milk Street, 11th floor, Boston.
NSCoder Boston is Wednesday, November 19 at 41 Winter Street, Boston.
NSHappyHour is probably at the Lobster Shanty in Salem on December 3. Follow @nshappyhour on Twitter for updates.
NSSnow is a snowboarding and skiing trip for iPhone and Mac programmers. February 8 through February 15 in the Alps.
The next CocoaHeads meeting is here, in this room, on December 11.