September 10, 2015
September announcements
NSCoder Boston -- Thursday, September 17-- 41 Winter Street in Boston
NSHappyHour -- Lobster Shanty in Salem on October 7
Next CocoaHeads meeting is in Room 325 on October 8.
CocoaConf Boston - September 18-19 in Peabody, MA
Twitter Boston is having a “meet Twitter” event on Wednesday, September 23 at their office here in Cambridge:
speakers include Michael Gorbach
Conferences outside the area
360|iDev Min - October 5-6 in Greenville, South Carolina
Release Notes - October 21-23 in Indianapolis.
Ayal Spitz - Generic Returns in Swift
Matt Bridges (, Logan Wright ( iBeacon
Background discovery using Bluetooth (iBeacon broadcasts only in foreground)
Finishing an Open Source library for this
Music application: Qup <>
Presentation slides attached.
Brian King, Bluetooth library
RZBluetooth -
Encapsulates bluetooth commands, exploring state in a simple library (Simplify Core Bluetooth, Support Developer Friendly APIs, Enable Unit Testing and Hardware Prototyping)
Separate unit testing podspec in project
Recommend: LightBlue Explorer (looks for bluetooth devices) -
Sofiya Semenova: creating and branding inclusive hacker communities and @novasofiya
Codestellation - Hackathon at Brandeis. Next one in November.
Attendance: 4 + 15 + 12 + 8 = 39