September 12, 2013
MIT Building E51 Room 325
Approximately 10 + 9 + 7 = 26 attendees
CocoaConf coming to Boston! October 25-26, 2013. Michael Gorbach, Daniel Jalkut, and T.J. Usiyan are speaking.
SecondConf in Chicago, September 27-29, 2013.
Çingleton in Montreal, October 11-13, 2013.
MacTech conference in Los Angeles, November 6-8, 2013. Gwynne Raskind is speaking.
NSCoder Boston shutting down.
Brian Partridge gave a recap of 360iDev.
Randy Dailey from Localytics gave us a run-through of Localytics, an app analytics service.
Erik Price gave a Reactive Cocoa followup. He's been using it extensively and has real-world experience to report.
Discussion of Apple's recent announcements (iPhone 5s, 5c, free iWork/iPhoto/iMovie for iOS, 64-bit iOS, and Apple TV SDK). (Only kidding on that last one.)
We have two great give-aways too. First up is a free ticket to CocoaConf/Boston for anyone who hasn't yet bought a ticket (Congrats ). Also a free copy of JetBrains' AppCode (Congrats ), or one of several other JetBrains products.
What's new in OpenGL ES 3.0? (Nobody knows…)
Massachusetts Sales Tax on Computer and Software Services - update
New Massachusetts sales tax on Computer and Software Services. FAQ at
---Mitch's notes
Something to show agenda on second screen. Might need HDMI or VGA on side desk. Edit from regular chair though… Google Presentations?